An urgent warning is hereby issued to all field elements of the Army of the Potomac concerning the Confederate army strikeforce known as "The Graceliners."

Known formally in the Reb order of battle as the 3rd Nashville Regiment, these soldiers specialize in confusing federal army soldiers by a number of means:

1) Since they are in reality female, they cause federal soldiers considerable hesitation when on the firing line. (After all, what well-bred soldier will shoot a lady?) This initial hesitation is often the demise of many a federal regiment, as these ladies storm into intrenchments and subdue our troops with bizarre gyrations of the body they call "car-ot-tay" (a phonetic approximation as described by AoP investigators), striking troops with the side of their hands and simultaneously screaming. They also kick viciously.

2) The Graceliners, when in action, are curiously polite, which also confuses our troops. They have often been heard to say "Thank you. Thank you very much" to their enemies. Frontline government troops report hesitation in shooting someone that inexplicably well-mannered.

3) The uniforms of the Graceliners are neither gray nor blue, which aids them in their foot charges. Are they Reb or Union? By the time the AoP commander makes up his mind it is often too late.

4) Another way the Graceliners confuse federal regiments is by their habit of singing "Dixie" followed by a rendition of "John Brown's Body" (using the lyrics recently written by Mrs. Howe) in a sort of medley of songs. By listening to them, it is impossible to determine their allegiance.

5) Note the curious spectacles they wear, with the dark glass lens. What is the purpose of these? AoP mental health professionals assert that the veiling of the eyes has a dehumanizing effect, which further confuses federal troops.

Approach the Graceliners with extreme caution; judging by the way they snarl and curl their upper lips, these women are dangerous and possibly mentally deranged. Disregard any mention by them of having come from a fair plantation that plays host to many visitors. These women are clearly not what they seem!