These are rugby articles by me, Wes Clark.

Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Rugby Club Band - I'm rather proud of this one!

Rugby Rookie's Journal - My own story of how I got interested in the game, and started to play it. Rather long and detailed, but people tell me it's a lot like their own rookie seasons.

Rugby: the Second Season - My journal of my second season; the quest for my first try continues.

Rugby: the Third Season - An anxious worldwide rugby community demanded it. Who am I to withhold?

Rugby: the Fourth Season - I'm back for more punishment with the WSRFC.

Rugby: the Fifth Season - Older and wiser - yet still playing.

Rugby: the Sixth Season - When will I give this up? Not for another few months, at least.

Rugby: the Seventh Season - The end draweth near.

Rugby: the Eighth Season - Perhaps my last regular season. (Perhaps not.)

Rugby: the Ninth Season - At it again in spite of all odds.

Rugby: Season X - Becoming an Old Boy in deed as well as chronologically.

Rugby Season Eleven - More of the same? Or different?

Rugby Season Twelve - A marathon season with little rugby activity.

Rugby Season Thirteen - It's over.

Rugby Season Fourteen - No, it isn't.

Called Up for England - A funny phone message I got from a British friend during the 2003 Rugby World Cup. It still makes me smile.

Famous Ruggers - Do you know any others?

Rugby Movies - Yes, there are a few.

The Ten Commandments of Rugby - Inspired by a photo Charleton Heston autographed for my club.

The MatchMeter - A useful lifestyle management tool.

Your Astrological Rugby Guide - You're in the stars!

Warfare a la Mode - My look at rugby and historical reenacting, and how they are alike and different.

Rugger's Book Review - Three rugby book reports.

"The Blue Lawn" - A book about a teenage homosexual rugby player.

Land's End and the Promotion of Rugby - I can't believe it. I wrote an article about clothing.

Rugby Bumper Stickers (And other promotional material) - The more warlike, the better.

Tom Brown's Schooldays - A look at the game as it was played by Tom Brown in the 1830's.

My Thirty Seconds of Championship Rugby Fame - I actually got my letter read on TV!

Bad Rugby Art - I thought I had left this behind with Civil War reenacting...

Count your rugby blessings - Written for an English rugby programme.

How I won a tee-shirt in a rugby essay contest

Rugby magazine article about me! - More publicity! By my friend Buzz McClain.

My letter gets published in Rugby World - Yet more publicity!

Highland Rugby, Utah High School Rugby Powerhouse - An interview with Coach Larry Gelwix.

This is Rugby - Something I wrote to publicize my club for new members.

Book review: My Dad the Rugby Player - A charming little book for kids. Ordering information within.

The Rugby Guide - I used to write a monthly column for this site, which is now no longer found on the Internet.

Rugby Guide articles

My Little Corner of the Scrum (September 1999)
Why Makes Rugby so Addictive? (October 1999)
Old Boys will be Boys (November 1999)
Ho, Ho, Ho - It's the Front Row! (December 1999)
Rugby in the Year 2000 (January 2000)
Rugger my Pleasure (February 2000)
Famous Ruggers (March 2000)
The MatchMeter (April 2000)
The Rugby Word and Phrase Guide (May 2000)
Cranky Season (June 2000)
Rugby Movies (July 2000)
501(c)(3) for your Rugby Club (August 2000)

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